What is it with parents these days? Surnames on girls seems to be gaining in popularity. Masculine, ugly awkward.. as long as it's a surname it's good enough for some people. I always hear the tired line that it's a "family name". As if that makes it ok. You can bet your life that if Elisabeth was a family name and a family had nothing but boys they wouldn't name their son Elisabeth or even use it as a middle name. Why is it ok to name a girl McCartney or Jackson? (Yes, I have actually heard of these names on girls. More than once) I can tolerate a family surname on a girl as a middle name but not a first name.
The worst surnames I've ever heard on girls besides the obvious popular ones like Madison and Taylor..
Brantley, Baylor, Campbell, Carter, Cohen, Davis, Everett, Finley, Frasier, Garrett, Hampton, Hartley, Jensen, Jamison, Kenzington, Kinley, Kincaid, Leighton, Landon, Logan, McCarthy, Mattingly, Madden, Maddox, Nolan, Nixon, Paisley, Parker, Presley, Porter, Preston, Quimby, Quinton, Remington, Sawyer, Sutton, Sloane, Tyler, Turner, Walker
I say that is your opinion AND you should mind your own business. I know a few of those sound absurd, however I don't know anyone who named a girl Tyler. I do, however have a close 37 year old girlfriend named Carter. It suits her well. She is an amazing woman. She enjoyed growing up having a unique name. So I say,name your kids what you choose AND let others do the same....
YOU should mind your own business, no ones forcing you to look at this blog!
And all of those names are ridiculous and depressing
The name was like a prayer for our children. Names with good meaning, it should also be a good prayer for them.
I say, if you are entitled to share your opinion in whatever way you want, so is the person who runs this blog. If you don't like it, don't come here.
I say, if you are entitled to share your opinion in whatever way you want, so is the person who runs this blog. If you don't like it, don't come here.
i say you are freakin idiots... it is peoples opinion on what they think of names and what names they choose but it doesn't give you the right to blog about it and say all these names are stupid because they are all not i know some might be a little lame but people are being creative so give them a little credit i have a unique name on one of your lists and it fits me perfect and i love the way it's spelt and so does eveyone that knows me so how about you get a real life and don't worry about peoples names because this blog is ridiculous... and you don't have to say no one is forcing me to look at this blog i already know that and i probably won't again... and i know these have to be girls doin it and you'll are wack seriously
to be honest i think it slightly pathetick that people have these blogs sayin these thinks i have a girlfriend named Tyler and she is lovely and i think you should be free to name what ever you want to name your child, and noone else should really have the right to say anything else about it. It's YOUR decision nobody elses!
I think that the original post is right on. It's wonderful that your friends named Carter and Taylor are great people, but it doesn't change the fact that their parents gave them a weak, ridiculous name. I love when people try to be creative and different while doing the exact same thing as every other creative and different person out there.
Carter?? Quimby?? Slone?? Odin's Hammer, they're disgusting!
"pathetick" Major LOLZ!
It's highly amusing to see what parents will use next on their sparkleigh pryncesses. I say someone try MacJock. It has a certain something.
Good going keep-it up.Great information.Thanks for such a great blog.
I hate you all. My whole name is Makybe Quinbean Jocastor Velvet Kerenyi. Most people just call me Makybe (Mak-eye-bee) and it's an AWESOME name. It doesn't fit everyone but it fits ME. I'm glad my Mum was so 'Creative'. Being 'creative' is a human right not just for smart people. It's the same with paintings. Everybody who WANTS to paint should be allowed, and to have exhibitions. Not just people who think they're good at it because they're, like, Artists for real. You are all mean. Love from Makybe Quinbean Jocastor Velvet Kerenyi. P.S. Haven't you losers heard of racehorses? People naming their kids dumb stuff doesn't meant they aren't valued and LOVED. People name Racehorses bizarre stupid stuff and they're worth millions of dollars. I will call my first daughter Beyoncay Black Cavyar Velvet Kerenyi. My son is Piper Phar Lap Parker Karenyi. So screw you all.
I hate you all. My whole name is Makybe Quinbean Jocastor Velvet Kerenyi. Most people just call me Makybe (Mak-eye-bee) and it's an AWESOME name. It doesn't fit everyone but it fits ME. I'm glad my Mum was so 'Creative'. Being 'creative' is a human right not just for smart people. It's the same with paintings. Everybody who WANTS to paint should be allowed, and to have exhibitions. Not just people who think they're good at it because they're, like, Artists for real. You are all mean. Love from Makybe Quinbean Jocastor Velvet Kerenyi. P.S. Haven't you losers heard of racehorses? People naming their kids dumb stuff doesn't meant they aren't valued and LOVED. People name Racehorses bizarre stupid stuff and they're worth millions of dollars. I will call my first daughter Beyoncay Black Cavyar Velvet Kerenyi. My son is Piper Phar Lap Parker Karenyi. So screw you all.
Hi it's Makybe again, my sister's name is Makay we are twins. We both love having different names. All the other girls are called lame normal boring stuff like Nartarshka, Jessalyne, and Clytorys. I like my different name. All the boys have dum names like so boring, Hayden, Jayden, Dannean, Carter, Tyler, Parker, Quince etc and they're just boring. One kid has the best 'wierd' name he's called Jon. How whack is that? One syllable! Love Makybe
If you want to name your kids a 'prayer' for them, call them Our Father, Pater Noster, Lord God Lamb of God. this is just as ridiculous as calling someone 'Meconium' and saying that that is a prayer for them to have a great life. Meconium is pre-birth poo in a baby. Even if you change the spelling, Mequonium is still poo. Chlammidya is still the Clap, and Coeliac is still bowel irritation. Chantarelle is still a mushroom. I think 'vagina' has a lovely ring to it, so I'm going to just change the letters and call my baby Vijyna. Pretty, right?
I am SO TIRED of people naming their kids first names as LAST NAMES like Taylor, Tyler, Campbell, Anderson, Austin,Colin, Jackson, Kendall, Kennedy,Parker, Hayden, etc. I HATE IT!! I worked in a school, and that's all I heard for the last ten years was FIRST NAMES AS LAST NAMES! I'll be glad when this ridiculous trend is OVER!!
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