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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shiann sent me a comment about how the world doesn't need anymore Johns or Janes. John was ranked 20th last year, but Jane was only 478 for girls. Most of the tacky names on this site are popular. Sad, but true. The trendy names that she probably likes are becoming much more popular than classic names. These people that claim to want a "unique" names for their child always seem to go with an uber-trendy name like an "ayden" name or Addison because it's so different from Madison. If these people truly wanted "unique" or uncommon names they'd go with an underused classic like Jane, Vera, Arthur, or Martin. What they truly want is to fit in. They are actually too afraid to go away from the trends and go with a truly uncommon name. I'm not saying you have to go with an underused classic. Go with a trendy type of name that is actually uncommon like a Turner instead of the popular Logan or Carter. I'm talking about for a boy of course. It's not unique to saddle girls with boy names. Everyone is doing it. You want an uncommon name for a girl? How about Liza? Felicity? Rosalie? Rosalie hasn't been in the top 1,000 names for girls in 15 years but there are a ridiculous ammount of surnames for girls like Addison, Madison, Reagan, Kennedy etc Rosalie and Felicity not your thing? Go with an unsual, offbeat name like Kaia, Maeve or Liana. Like nature names? How about Fern or Magnolia? Month names? Stay away from September or November. Try June or May. There is no reason to give your kids crazy names for the sake of them not having a popular name. There are good names out there that aren't popular. We don't all have to name our kids John and Jane and we don't have to name them Kayden and Jayden either.


Anonymous said...

honestly I think all the names oyu posted as alternatives to trend names like Liza Felicity and Rosalie are ugly names. So is fern and magnoilia. Who the hell wants a kid named magnolia??? I agree some names are off the wall but many of the ones you point out as being bad names are fine names. Most of the ones you consider good names I find hiddeous! Your welcome to your opinion but I think you have HORRIBLE taste in names!

Anonymous said...

ha - my name is Kaia Maeve - and i was born in 1976. found your post when i googled myself out of insomniac curiosity. fyi - people are numbskulls and prounounce kaia the same as "kia"

billie lutchmansingh said...

I have two children with unusual names Kamea and Kinzyn and I get the most compliments on there names!!! People say what is her name or what is his name and I tell them and they are like awww that is a really cute name I like that!!!! yeah I would never name my kid something that someeone in the 50's 60's or 70's thats for sure I want my kid to know that I am talking to them in a crowd of people not yelling lisa or tim and 10 kids come running

Anonymous said...

Here's one for you: My roommate went to school with a girl named La-A.. pronouced "La- DASH-a"... that is amazing! why would you confuse your child on purpose?