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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Juelz Nasir Savaught
(A boy. )
Lenux Michelle (How can anyone think "Lenux" makes a good name for girl?)

Caedmon Bronson(They're just making crap up now.

Grenlee(Just because it's used on a soap opera it's not a name!)

Lakyn Abbianna (More made up crap)

Kemper Brady (Kemper sounds like a dog's name)

Kaydanse Weslee Reese (I can't tell if it's a girl or a boy. Doesn't matter. :( )

Brogan Hope(How adorable! It's our precious daughter, the boot. A brogan is a boot! Morons!)

Jaksen Jaymes

McKenzie Niamkey(Well, at least it's a boy)

Ireland Ray(A girl)(See, it's not "unique". It's already been on here a few times)

Kelly-Jo Princess(Things I hate about this name: Kelly is male. Jo is hideous. Hyphens are hick. Princess is a dog's name)

Willow Wren (Is this a kid or or a bird that lives in willow trees? )

Logan Lily(Logan is such an ugly name for a girl)

Sawyer Olivia Ann(Does anyone else picture Paul Bunyan when they hear Sawyer?)

Tytan Eugene (Tytan is just mean. Tyler sucks, but it's better Tytan!)

Morrison James (Another surname for a first name. How long until we see it on girls?)

Bailey Smith (A girl)

Lexus Kay-Lee Marie (Named after a car her parents can't afford)

Braidyn Helene(Another misspelled boy's name on a girl)

Electra Kaye(Named after a stupid movie character)

Elliott Merante(The only thing worse than giving a girl a male name is when parent's call her by a female nickname. Why not name her Eleanor, Elisabeth, or just Ella?)

Stormie Mariah(Named after a horse)

Pyper Emelia(Change the spelling, but Pyper is still a hideous name)

Mecca MaryAnn (No explanation needed)

Mackenzie Woodrow(Yes, it's a girl)

Quynci Denise (Dad is Quincy)

Shady Lane Ellis(Do they know the full definition of Shady? 2. dishonest: probably dishonest or illegal
shady dealings with foreign investors)

Tillman Matthew(Destined to be a banker)

Kelby Gail(Another crap last name on a girl)

Sequoyah Jaden Blu(girl)

Henleigh(How cute. She's named after a t-shirt)

Alias Leo(Why would parents set their kid up for a lifetime of stupid jokes?)

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